Every mineral process produces some sort of waste product, be it a tailing slurry or a spent liquor. These waste products commonly contain impurities such as heavy metals and other toxic substances that must be treated properly prior from releasing them to the environment. Our POWER MET-X™, POWER DETOX™, and POWER TAILMAX™ chemical reagents are your best solutions for proper treatment for your tailings.

    Fit for:
  • Spent liquor from heap leaching process
  • Tailing treatment from agitated leaching process
  • Tailings treatment from mineral flotation process
Click here to learn more about our Heavy Metal Removal & Tailing Detoxification Solution
Heavy Metal Removal for Tailings & Spent Liquor Detoxification
Various Tailing Detoxification Chemicals
Tailing Slurry Compaction & Dewatering Reagent

Tailings or spent liquor from leaching usually carries heavy metals inside them, these heavy metals will contaminate rivers and waters if not treated properly prior to discharge. Our POWER MET-X™ sulphur based compound Heavy Metal Removal is proven to remove heavy metals on your detoxification process, thus making them safe for discharge to the environment.

    Our POWER MET-X™ Product Benefit:
  • Remove heavy metals such as Chromium, Mercury, & Copper
  • Remove toxic substance such as Arsenic

POWER CHEMICALS understands the importance of correctly managing mineral processing’s tailing, therefore, we provide various tailing detoxification chemicals for your plant’s unique requirements and ensure your tailings are free of pollutants & safe for discharge.

    Our POWERDETOX™ Product Variant:
  • Hydrogen Peroxide
  • Ferric Sulphate
  • Sodium Hydrosulfide

Tailing produced from the detoxification process is free of harmful substances, but sometimes it still possesses a very high moisture content that makes it occupy a very large area in a tailing impound. Our POWER TAILMAX™ are able to dewatered and raise the compactness of your tailing so it requires significantly lower area for storage.

    Our POWER TAILMAX™ Product Benefit:
  • Reduces significantly the footprint area needed for tailing impound
  • Quicker soil stability from compacted tailing impound
  • Quicker soil revegetation from compacted solid on the tailing impound

Modular Tailing Dewatering/Compaction Equipment

To produce a dry and compact tailing in order to reduce significantly the tailing impound area requirement, our modular tailing slurry compaction chemicals preparation & application equipment are ready to support your needs for your maximize tailing treatment.

Click here to know more about our POWER ATLAS™ Modular Technology Unit


Every mineral process produces some sort of waste product, be it a tailing slurry or a spent liquor. These waste products commonly contain impurities such as heavy metals and other toxic substances that must be treated properly prior from releasing them to the environment. Our POWER MET-X™, POWER DETOX™, and POWER TAILMAX™ chemical reagents are your best solutions for proper treatment for your tailings.

    Fit for:
  • Spent liquor from heap leaching process
  • Tailing treatment from agitated leaching process
  • Tailings treatment from mineral flotation process
Click here to learn more about our Heavy Metal Removal & Tailing Detoxification Solution
Heavy Metal Removal for Tailings & Spent Liquor Detoxification
Various Tailing Detoxification Chemicals
Tailing Slurry Compaction & Dewatering Reagent

Modular Tailing Dewatering/Compaction Equipment

To produce a dry and compact tailing in order to reduce significantly the tailing impound area requirement, our modular tailing slurry compaction chemicals preparation & application equipment are ready to support your needs for your maximize tailing treatment.

Click here to know more about our POWER ATLAS™ Modular Technology Unit