Solid & liquid separation process in a mineral processing facility is commonly done in a thickener & filtration unit process. Depending on the process, commonly low solid content in liquor overflow and high solid content in underflow of a thickener is one of the main objectives of a thickener. While for filtration, lowest possible moisture content is the objective. Our POWERFLOC™ Polymer Flocculants & POWERDRY™ Dewatering Aid are able to provide you with maximum solid liquid separation efficiency.

    Fit for:
  • Merril Crowe CCD Thickeners
  • Detoxification Process Thickeners
  • Neutralization Plant Thickeners
  • Pre/Post Leaching Thickeners
Click here to learn more about our Flocculant & Dewatering Aids Solution
Polymer Flocculant for Mineral Solid Liquid Separation
Hydroxamated Red Mud Flocculant for Red Mud Washers
Alumina Hydrate Flocculants for Classifying Thickener
Dewatering Aid for Solid Mineral Filtration

Our POWERFLOC™ polymer flocculant comes in powder & liquid emulsion forms. From Anionic, Non Ionic, to Cationic charge, from low, high, and very high molecular weight structures, our polymer is proven to suit your need for various mineral processing liquid solid separations. Whether its a single or multiple CCD thickener system our flocculant got you covered.

    Our POWERFLOC™ Product Benefit:
  • Faster settling rate for your various mineral processing
  • From acidic to highly alkaline slurries, our flocculant are compatible for a wide range of pH
  • Higher underflow density and very low solid content in thickener overflow

Our POWER REDFLOC™ Hydroxamated Red Mud Flocculants are specifically formulated for your specific needs. We can provide you with the right charge and molecular weight of our red mud flocculants for your optimal operational cost for your bauxite residue (red mud) washer & thickeners.

    Our POWER REDFLOC™ Product Benefit:
  • Faster settling rate for your Red Mud/Alumina liquor separation
  • Can be tailor made to suit each thickeners specific charge & hydroxamation degree requirements
  • Available in powder & liquid emulsion form

An excellent classifying thickener must be able to prevent high levels of solid content carryover in the overflow. A specific formulation of hydrate flocculants must be able to settle the alumina particles perfectly without modifying the morphology of the alumina crystals. Our 100% organic POWER HYFLOC™ Alumina Hydrate Flocculant are your choice for your maximum classifying thickener solid loading efficiency.

    Our POWER HYFLOC™ Product Benefit:
  • Faster settling rate of alumina hydrate in classifying thickeners
  • Lower solid content in classifying thickener overflow
  • Completely soluble in water

Various mineral products undergo filtration processes before going through calcination to minimize the energy requirement for the calcination process. Our chemistry are able to bind the water molecules insided the mineral solid matrix and help them rush out easier from the solid structures. Whether its belt press, screw press, or a pan filter our POWERDRY™ Dewatering Aid reagent will help you achieve the lowest moisture possible from your filtration process.

    Our POWERDRY™ Product Benefit:
  • Lower moisture content in the final solid filtration product
  • Higher filtration capacity due to lower duration needed for the dewatering processes
  • Lower energy requirement for the calcination process

Solid & liquid separation process in a mineral processing facility is commonly done in a thickener & filtration unit process. Depending on the process, commonly low solid content in liquor overflow and high solid content in underflow of a thickener is one of the main objectives of a thickener. While for filtration, lowest possible moisture content is the objective. Our POWERFLOC™ Polymer Flocculants & POWERDRY™ Dewatering Aid are able to provide you with maximum solid liquid separation efficiency.

    Fit for:
  • Merril Crowe CCD Thickeners
  • Detoxification Process Thickeners
  • Neutralization Plant Thickeners
  • Pre/Post Leaching Thickeners
Click here to learn more about our Flocculant & Dewatering Aids Solution
Polymer Flocculant for Mineral Solid Liquid Separation
Hydroxamated Red Mud Flocculant for Red Mud Washers
Alumina Hydrate Flocculants for Classifying Thickener
Dewatering Aid for Solid Mineral Filtration