Scaling caused by mineral deposition due to high pH or temperature is a common problem in the mineral processing industries. These scales can be prevented by our POWER SCALE-X™ scale crystal inhibition or dispersion product to prevent the scales from depositing on your piping or furnace jacket surfaces. Via the same dispersion method we developed our proprietary POWERGRIND™ Grinding Aid product, in order to enhance the mill throughput efficiency of your grinding purposes.

    Fit for:
  • Gold Mineral Heap Leaching Process
  • Copper/Nickel Mineral Heap Leaching Process
  • Cooling Water for Ferronickel Electric Furnaces
  • SAG Mill/Ball Mill for various Mineral Processing
Click here to learn more about our Antiscallant and Grinding Aid Solution
Grinding Aid

Our POWER SCALE-X™ are able to prevent scaling formation significantly in a high pH or low pH system of a mineral processing. Our various mineral antiscallant chemistry such as polyacrylate, phosphate, and polycarboxylate based chemistry are able to protect your mineral processing fromsevere problems caused by excessive scaling.

    Our POWER SCALE-X™ Product Benefit:
  • Prevent Carbonate & Sulfate scaling on high pH gold heap leaching system
  • Increase gold adsorption in a carbon elution column by preventing scaling on an activated carbon surface
  • Prevent Gypsum scale on a copper heap leaching process

Via solid dispersion & charge repulsion mechanism, our POWERGRIND™ Grinding Aid chemicals from various chemistry such as Polycarboxylate & Polyacrylate based grinding aid, are able to maximize your ore mineral grinding process efficiency by making a better control of particle size while reducing milling time & reducing the energy required for the process.

    Our POWERGRIND™ Product Benefit:
  • Disperse grinded mineral ore particles preventing them from further agglomeration
  • Increase grinding mill (SAG, Ball, Rod Mill) throughput & efficiency
  • Lower the outlet slurry viscosity of the produced slurry

Scale Deposit Analysis

To further specifically design the chemicals formulation needed to prevent any scaling problems in your mineral processing system, we will take and analyze your scale samples to further study its composition thus craft the right antiscalant chemistry.


Scaling caused by mineral deposition due to high pH or temperature is a common problem in the mineral processing industries. These scales can be prevented by our POWER SCALE-X™ scale crystal inhibition or dispersion product to prevent the scales from depositing on your piping or furnace jacket surfaces. Via the same dispersion method we developed our proprietary POWERGRIND™ Grinding Aid product, in order to enhance the mill throughput efficiency of your grinding purposes.

    Fit for:
  • Gold Mineral Heap Leaching Process
  • Copper/Nickel Mineral Heap Leaching Process
  • Cooling Water for Ferronickel Electric Furnaces
  • SAG Mill/Ball Mill for various Mineral Processing
Click here to learn more about our Antiscallant and Grinding Aid Solution
Grinding Aid

Scale Deposit Analysis

To further specifically design the chemicals formulation needed to prevent any scaling problems in your mineral processing system, we will take and analyze your scale samples to further study its composition thus craft the right antiscalant chemistry.